Happy Healthy Aging

Happy Healthy Aging

Sharpen Your Mind

According to the  science of neuroplasticity, we now know that it is possible to create a new mindset. Learning something new creates new neuro pathways that replace the old pathways. So, in fact, it is possible to replace the old with the new, including limiting beliefs, and perceptions about yourself and the world. 

Just as learning a new skill requires practice until it becomes a new habit and easier, we need to practice using the mind and train it to think younger and sharper.

Keeping the brain healthy is a ‘no brainer.’ 

Here is what is important to do-

  • Take very very good care of yourself first. 
  • Practice deep relaxation and stress reduction including time in quiet and using slow breathing. Take time to be alone and to connect with your self.
  • Give your body the best food and drink that will supply the nutrition it needs for optimal well-being physically and mentally.
  • Move your body in ways that make you happy and get outside and be playful. Walk, run, skip, swim, ride a bike, play  with children or a pet, play games, dance, sing, stretch, do yoga, Qigong or do anything you like that will keep you fluid and flexible.   The more flexible your body is, the more your mind will be. The body follows the mind so make sure it is following a good leader. Think strong and vital.
  • Challenge your mind with something new. Get out of the rut of doing the same things every day. Get out of bed on the opposite side. Have something different to eat and drink. Go to work or wherever you go taking a different route. Turn off the computer and all screens and be creative.  Make something with your hands. Paint even if you think you aren’t creative (you are!) A great way to challenge your mind and help it to comfortable with being uncomfortable is to write the ABC’s using your non dominant hand. These simple changes will change your brain and keep it vital.
  • Limit the negativity. We are all exposed to negativity throughout the day. This is actually good for us. It helps us to become resilient and capable of handling the things we can’t control. It gives us an opportunity to practice being involved in life, but not so affected by it. It is very important to control the amount of negativity you are exposed to. Turn off the bad news if you are watching too much. Limit conversations with people who are focused on what’s wrong with the world and who complain and blame everyone and everything outside of themselves. Be choosey about who you spend your time with.  Surround yourself with people who are contributing more good and are uplifting. Negativity is contageous. It can make you sick.
  • Nurture relationships with those who are closest and beyond. Be more available making sure they know you care. Listen more.  Stop waiting for others to come to you; go to them. We need to exercise not just our physical heart, we need to expand beyond into the caring heart. 
  • Help others. Volunteer, give more of your time and wisdom. You have a lot to offer and when you do, you will feel more alive and happy. 

Your brain isn’t your mind. It is an organ that needs to be taken care of. The healthier your brain is the more  capable it will be for the mind to think the kinds and quality of thoughts without limits that cause you to feel happier and healthier for as long as you live.



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